Perform Better Pro-ED provides ongoing Professional Development through educational Providers and Associations that operate independently throughout the Health, Fitness and Medical Areas. A formal collaborative agreement allowing Professionals to attain CEC’s or PDP’s .
These courses are approved/accredited by Australian Governing Bodies a recognised education provider or Association from the list below.
AUSactive Professional can attain CEC’s for Affiliated Education within their current registration term.

AUSactive Approved Associations.
- American Council on Exercise (ACE)
- American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
- Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA)
- Exercise Sports Science Australia (ESSA)
- International Health Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IRHSA)
- National Council on Strength and Fitness (NCSF)
- National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
- Pilates Method Alliance*
- Yoga Alliance*
- Yoga Australia*
Eligible AUSactive Professionals must complete the Affiliated Education form for each program in order to attain CECs.
AUSactive Professionals must provide evidence of participating in the program/event (i.e. Certificate of completion or attendance) and clearly identify the authorised association/organisation approving this education.
The maximum CECs that can be earned in a two-year registration period is: Level 2 | up to 4 CECs and Level 3 | up to 10 CECs. Multiple approved programs/events attended can be accumulated.

FITREC has introduced an overall rating for all registered professionals that takes into account three key areas; Education, Experience and References. Each of these elements are rated out of 100.
Education ratings depreciate over time, so a score of 100 does not stay at 100 without adding further learning.
That’s why Perform Better Pro-ED delivers high quality and professionally run courses that contributes and meets the needs of all FITREC registered Professionals. For more information on managing Professional Development or registering contact FITREC
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Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.
Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.