Medfit Classroom
Perform Better AU has Partnered with Medfit Classroom. Medfit is an organisation dedicated to delivering education. Empowering Fitness, Medical and Healthcare Professionals to work with those with medical conditions and chronic disease.
This partnership provides professionals access to web-based health and fitness education tools. It includes MedFit Classroom, MedFit TV, and an online directory to locate professionals around the world.
MedFit are a global leader in the emerging medical fitness space giving Fitness and Allied Health Professionals a huge opportunity to make an impact in the healthcare system’s.
As a special partnership MedFit are offering all Perform Better AU Fitness and Health Professionals 25% off all courses for a limited time.
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Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.
Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.