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E5 Collective® Instructor Training Course

Course Overview

Discover a fresh approach to giving your clients what they WANT and what they NEED!  

Based on the science around variability, loaded movement training, cognitive health, play and mindset, the E5 Collective formula packages together innovative approaches and creative strategies, to help clients improve their health and fitness in a fun, accessible and inclusive way!  The E5 Collective experience is a favorite among active older adults, and can be incorporated into one on one training sessions, small groups or larger classes.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain the purpose of E5 Collective, the reasons behind its creation, and the intentions of the program design

2. Identify the details behind the scientific anchors, including variability training, cognitive health, mindset, and play, and how they are incorporated into the format and structure

3.  Explain the design of E5C by segment and gain an understanding of segment objectives, essential elements and structure

4.  Learn how to program an E5 Collective session and receive the tools to do it successfully

Course Overview:

Module 1:

Introduction to E5 Collective

Module 2:

The Science Behind E5 Collective

  • Variability Training – Loaded movement training, Fascia, Energy System Development, Recovery
  • Cognitive Health and brain training – strategies for improving cognition
  • Mindset and perspective – learning to foster a growth mindset
  • Play – using play to create positive client experiences

Module 3:

Session Design –

Creating an impactful experience using the E5 Collective formula

Module 4:

Coaching and Class Instruction –

Creating the ideal space for exploration and coaching to get the most out of your clients

Module 5:

Using the E5 Collective formula and membership options

CECs: 5 ACSM, 5 FAI, .5 ACE, .4 NASM, 4 AFAA

Created by Aimee Nicotera, MS



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