Perform Better Pro-Ed


PB Extreme Mini Band Pack (4)

PB Extreme Mini Band Pack (4)



The new formula helps keep our PB Extreme Mini Bands lasting longer than our regular Mini Bands.

  • Special latex material helps bands last longer and remain strong throughout use.
  • Durable material does not rip or tear as quickly as other bands.
  • If you're looking for a band for tall athletes, or to use specifically above the knee, see our PB Extreme Mini Band XL.
  • Use for lateral steps, leg extensions, and shoulder stabilization exercises.
  • Suitable for all fitness and strength training levels.
  • Mini bands can be used anywhere - on the field, in the clinic or gym, or when traveling.
  • By using resistance bands for a dynamic warm up, you can target the hip and shoulder complexes.
  • Bands measure 9"" L x 2"" W.
  • The exercise sheet included.
  • Light resistance is yellow
  • Medium resistance is green
  • Heavy resistance is blue
  • Extra Heavy resistance is black
  • The pack of 4 bands contained one of each resistance level.

Click Here to view the Mini Band Exercise Sheet

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