Every fitness product in the WeckMethod Training Pack comes complete with educational content. It is an educational experience based around WeckMethod principles. Along with new reliable equipment and an educational experience, the Training Pack provides access to a variety of exercises. Immersing yourself into WeckMethod training can change the way you move and improve the way you feel. It has never been easier to experience truly functional training.
Equipment Included in the WeckMethod Training Pack
The BOSU® Elite is a game-changer because of the programming that comes with it. Made from a thicker elastic material than the original BOSU® Ball. It also has a honeycomb surface called the “Power Zone” that is easier to grip and provide strength-training.
The BOSU® Elite also offers a unique and favorable surface for your back when performing pressing exercises.
WeckMethod ProPulse® Speed Trainers are a newly patented product which is designed to teach the downward spiraling arm-action. We call this the “Double Down Pulse™”. The movement can be learned and mastered through a combination of running and a number of Stationary Pulsing Drills. These shifting hand weights provide real-time feedback when the hands reach the bottom position. They teach you to put force into the ground at the right time while also organizing your entire body. Teaching you the fastest way to shift your weight from foot-to-foot. Learning the spiraling, downward pulsing of the hands with the rhythm required to maintain a loud, crisp, steady pulse can actually make you a better runner.
The RMT® Rope teaches you how to use your Spinal Engine and tap into the figure-8 patterns your body was designed for. When used properly, you discover how to generate rotational movement from your core. Learn the most basic patterns that can unlock latent athleticism while also educating your non-dominant side efficiently.
The RMT® Club is one of the most versatile weighted clubs around today. You can use the RMT® Club for all swinging movements and rotational patterns that are possible with an Indian Club. Shifting weight along with the unique shape and reinforced handle, takes things to another level.
When you start swinging an RMT® Club, the shifting weight is sent to the end of the Club-Head. Simply striving to keep the weight where it is, thereby preventing the club from making any sound, is a great way to ensure your swinging patterns are fluid and your speed is consistent. The shifting weight of the RMT® Club also allows for a new category of weighted-club training. By adding spiraling intent to sudden changes in the direction of the Club-Head, it is possible to create a “Pulse” like what you feel when using ProPulse® Speed Trainers.
The RMT® Club allows you to enhance the fluidity of your swinging movements along with the explosiveness of your pulsing movements. With so many different ways to use this one tool, the RMT® Club belongs in every home-gym.
Last but not least the Superband is excellent for multiple types of training. They offer huge amounts of resistance while also being light-weight and easy to store. Limit-Force Elastics training is a style that can be augmented and used in a wide variety of ways. Â Bands can also be used for traditional strength-training movements.
***RMT Club included in the training Pack is 4lb.