Pain Free Movement Specialist Level 1


Learning corrective exercise along with the skills to work with people in pain gives you the opportunity to expand your business. It enables you to specialize in a variety of growing populations, including baby boomers, seniors, post-rehab clients and other special populations with musculoskeletal issues.

You’ll become qualified to help more people eliminate their pain and improve their level of function, health and wellness using the most effective, non-invasive method possible.

Level 1 consists of six modules. With over 14 hours of video content, webinars, PDF’s and Anthony’s book, The Pain-Free Program:

A Proven Method to Relieve Back, Neck, Shoulder and Joint Pain – this online curriculum fully prepares you for the content associated with the Level 2 live event.

1. Functional Anatomy & Biomechanics
2. Motor Control/Learning
3. Stability & Mobility
4. The Client & Pain
5. Movement Assessments
6. Corrective Exercise Programming Essentials
