Perform Better Pro-ED provides ongoing Professional Development through educational Providers and Associations that operate independently throughout the Health, Fitness and Medical Areas. A formal collaborative agreement allowing Professionals to attain CEC’s or PDP’s .
These courses are approved/accredited by Australian Governing Bodies a recognised education provider or Association from the list below.
AUSactive Professional can attain CEC’s for Affiliated Education within their current registration term.
AUSactive Approved Associations.
Eligible AUSactive Professionals must complete the Affiliated Education form for each program in order to attain CECs.
AUSactive Professionals must provide evidence of participating in the program/event (i.e. Certificate of completion or attendance) and clearly identify the authorised association/organisation approving this education.
The maximum CECs that can be earned in a two-year registration period is: Level 2 | up to 4 CECs and Level 3 | up to 10 CECs. Multiple approved programs/events attended can be accumulated.
FITREC has introduced an overall rating for all registered professionals that takes into account three key areas; Education, Experience and References. Each of these elements are rated out of 100.
Education ratings depreciate over time, so a score of 100 does not stay at 100 without adding further learning.
That’s why Perform Better Pro-ED delivers high quality and professionally run courses that contributes and meets the needs of all FITREC registered Professionals. For more information on managing Professional Development or registering contact FITREC
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Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.
Perform Better Pro-Ed (previously QPEC) has a combined 70+ years experience in the Health and Fitness industry.