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NT Loop Mini Bands

NT Loop Mini Bands



The NT Loop Mini Bands were created to surpass all the standard expectations of the average mini band. Serving as the perfect small loop band for multiple applications. Its unique design makes it the most durable, versatile, and comfortable mini band on the market.

All NT Loop Minis are 33cm long by 5cm wide, and made with proprietary Dura-Stretch technology.

Longer than a traditional mini band, the NT Loop Minis make it easier to get the band on and off.  This makes them more ideal for exercises around your ankles, knees and wrists.

You’ll never have to worry about the rolling, pinching, sliding, or other types of discomfort that’s common with rubber or latex bands. The non-slip fabric of the NT Loop Mini is made of the highest quality materials and feels quite comfortable around your body.

Unlike many mini bands on the market, the NT Loop Mini is tear-resistant and washable. Never need to worry about it snapping every few workouts making it a great investment.

Which band is the right band to use? Watch the video with Nick Tumminello explaining the three bands.

Have you seen the traditional NT Loop Band


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